Blackburn Times Feb 19th 1910
The group in the photograph represent
four generations of one family now resident at Withnell. Mr Reuben Sankey, the
senior member of the group, may be designated the patriarch of Withnell. He is a
native of Preston, and his memory goes back to the forties in that town. He has
recollections of the size works near London Road being burnt down, when a local
manufacturer, whose mill adjoined, was burnt to death. Mr Sankey has a vivid
recollection to the Guild of 1842, when standing on a board extending from the
window of a butcher’s shop at the bottom of Duke street East, he witnesses the
Guild procession pass. He was a sufferer from the great lockout, and had to take
to the open road in search of employment. With him he carried a memento, still
in his possession, of his connection with St Mary’s Church and schools, this
being a Reference Bible. For two years Mr Sankey was at Stockport
and then was forced to make another move. He made his way by
road towards his native town, asking for work at various towns on the way. After
leaving Bolton, he made application at Abbey Mill, Withnell, and was successful
in securing a job. Here he eventually received promotion to the position of
spinning master, which he retained until the late W.B. Park disposed of the
concern a few years ago to Mr W. Birtwhistle, J.P.
In reference to his early days at Withnell, Mr Sankey mentions that at the time of his marriage wedding parties had to travel all the way to Leyland, some eight or nine miles distant, to have the ceremony performed.
For 50 years he has been actively identified with Withnell United Methodist Church and Sunday school, both as teacher and superintendent. He still retains the later position, and has received from the Sunday School Union the diploma for long service. When the village Band of Hope was formed in 1872 by Messrs. Wignall and Turner of Preston, Mr Sankey became the first president, and still holds the office. He has been on the management Committee of the day school since 1873. Co-operation has also found him a very ardent supporter, and for 30 years past he has been a director of the Withnell Society, and for 18 years president. Although 73 years of age he is still hale and active. For 40 years he has been a constant reader of the “Preston Guardian”. The age of the group represents 156 years. Mr Sankey’s eldest son succeeded his father at the mill, and has been organist at the United Methodist Church, Withnell for over 30 years, and correspondent of the day school since 1875. The other adult member of the group, Mr Sankey’s grandson, has been organist at Tockholes Congregational church for over five years.
(The child on Reuben’s knee is my father – Steve Sankey)